Product Reference Data
For each of their products, Data Holders (DHs) provide Product Reference Data (PRD). Accredited Data Recipients (ADRs) have access to the PRDs of DHs, for information including product comparison.
Authentication for PRD
Access to PRD does not require authentication. PRD for all product phases was required to be available from accredited ADIs from October 2020.
PRD UX guidelines
There are no user experience (UX) guidelines for PRD. However, there is a Product Data Comparator demonstration, which uses PRD.
Data Holder sharing PRD
A DH is required to share product reference data in accordance with CDR rules and is not required to register on the CDR register in order to do so. However, a DH is required to be registered on the
CDR register to share CDR data in response to a request from an accredited person.
Product comparator
The CDS Product Comparator Demo provides an example of a web app that returns Product Reference Data from the PRD endpoints. If your PRD endpoints do not work with the CDS Product Comparator Demo, there may be an error in implementation or compliance. If your PRD endpoints do work with the CDS Product Comparator Demo, this does not guarantee compliance.
Reference Articles
Brands in the Consumer Data Right Ecosystem (rich data hence preserve?)
Introduction to Product Reference Data (Archive)
Grandfathered products and PRDs (Archive)
Sharing product reference data (Archive)
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