Archived 2023.01.11. Content moved to Guidance on Dashboards
Are there any CDR directives on exactly which data properties are required to be exposed as a minimum on the Data Holder Dashboard when displaying the list of active or archived consent agreement and the details of a consent agreement for the consumer?
The DSB will soon consult on fields to present during the authorisation flow and on DH dashboards. We anticipate a proposal for DH Dashboards to display an ADR's brand name, software product name, and legal entity. We will also recommend an ADR's accreditation number be displayed on DH Dashboards. The level of obligation and compliance dates will also be subject to consultation.
- Decision Proposal 229 - CDR Participant Representation - placeholder for coming DP
1 comment
Neale Morison - has there been any finalisation around the use of Legal Entity Name, Brand Name, Software Product Name across DH dashboards and the Authenticate and Authorise flow? I've checked a number of zen desk articles this morning for search results on this topic and cannot find anything conclusive (other than the A&A flow seems to have been defined but not the use in the DH dashboards). Thanks!
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