Please note this article has been archived as of 5th of April 2022. Please refer to the Future Dated Obligations of the Consumer Data Standards.
Noting Paper 157, published in the standards GITHub on 26th May 2021, notes that the authorisation flow for Nonindividuals, partnerships, and secondary users is Optional for Nov 2021 implementation for the majors.
What parts of the obligation for Nonindividuals, partnerships, and secondary users remains mandatory for the majors for Nov 2021?
The DP160-related standards were made on 25 June and were incorporated into the v1.11.0 release on 30 June.
You can find details on when these standards apply in the future-dated obligations sections of the standards, as follows:
Data Holders MAY implement the following data standards effective from 1 November 2021:
- Unavailable Accounts: No accounts can be shown
- Unavailable Accounts: Authorisation not permitted
- Unavailable Accounts: Request sharing rights
Data Holders MUST implement the following data standards effective from 1 February 2022:
- Withdrawal: Secondary User Instruction
Please refer to the rules on non-individuals, partnerships and secondary users as these standards do not supersede the rules obligations and timings.
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