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Representing multi-tiered product rates Follow


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    Rod Dalrymple

    The depositRate and lendingRate objects (anonymous within the depositRates and lendingRates arrays) have a single rate with an array of tiers that qualify an account for that rate. For your example a 1% rate could have tiers=[{name='Amount', unitOfMeasure='DOLLAR', minimumValue=100000, maximumValue=null (i.e. no upper bound)}, {name='Period', unitOfMeasure='DAY', minimumValue=30, maximumValue=59 (or 60 due to exclusivity rule)}]. The 60+ and 120+ day rates would have the same 'DOLLAR' tier but with 60-119 (or 60-120) and 120-null (no upper bound) 'DAY' tiers respectively. The tier.name should be the same for all objects in the 'dimension' (with same unitOfMeasure) to enable grouping including as axes in a table - in your example an Amount vs. Period table (common for term deposits).

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