Archived 2023.08.13. Content moved to Guidance on Joint Accounts
As an Accredited Data Holder (ADR), how we will be notified by the Data Holder (DH) when the other joint account holder indicates their disclosure option?
From an ADR point of view, only the non-joint accounts of the primary account holder are shared at the time of consent. The joint account will is shared only when the 'other' account holder has indicated their disclosure option.
The 'single consent' model in the v3 rules makes this redundant as joint account sharing is 'on' by default. The other joint account holder does not have to agree to enable data sharing before it can be shared.
There is no technical mechanism or requirement for the DH to notify the ADR when the second joint account holder approves sharing.
Consultation on an opt-out mechanism was pursued through the Design Paper: an ‘opt-out’ data sharing model for joint accounts in the banking and energy sectors #176. Consultation on Design Paper 176 is now closed. Submissions indicated support for this concept, however, it is considered to be a lower priority to other items.
To register support for this opt-out mechanism, raise a standards maintenance issue here:
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