Archived 2022.11.20. Content moved to error scenarios and responses.
How should a Data Holder (DH) respond when it receives a Get Balances For Specific Accounts request with null
meta field value in the request body?
{"data":{"accountIds":["<account id 1>","<account id 2>"]},"meta":null}
- Should the DH omit the null meta field and process the request?
- Should the DH reject the request? If yes, then what error should be sent?
The response is at the discretion of the DH. Technically the DH is within their rights to reject such a request with an error, but this may create a poor customer experience. However, the DH may choose to be more tolerant and allow the request to succeed, as there is nothing in the meta tag that is specifically needed for this request in any case.
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