Archived 2023.09.04. Please refer to CDS, GetMetrics
Get Metrics v3 is due on Oct 01 2022 and v2 is retired on Dec 05 2022. Does this mean till Dec 05, 2022, Data Holders (DHs) have to support both v2 and v3 (given that there is only one consumer for this API)?
Yes, this is correct till Dec 05, 2022, DHs have to support both v2 and v3.
The only changes in v3 API are additional metrics for a secondary data holder scenario. If this does not apply to us, then Get Metrics v2 and v3 would be the same in terms of payload. Are we still expected to upgrade our versioning to v3 on the 1st of Oct 2022?
Yes, you are required to upgrade your versioning. As you have observed this is a very minor change for the banking sector. The obligations can be met simply by handling a request for v3 in the headers. No changes to the response or underlying logic are needed.
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