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An ADR must prepare reports in accordance with rule 9.4(2) of the CDR Rules. If the ADR is a CDR representative principal, it must also prepare a report for each CDR representative with which it has a representative arrangement in accordance with rule 9.4(2A). These reports must be submitted via the CDR Participant Portal in the form approved by the ACCC. Examples of the relevant reporting forms can be found on the CDR website.
Goods or services offered to CDR consumers
Question 11 in the ADR report requires an ADR to set out the total number of CDR consumers it has provided goods or services to using CDR data. Rule 1.10AA(2) states that a CDR representative is responsible for providing goods or services to the CDR consumer in a representative arrangement. This means Question 11 in the ADR report should exclude the number of goods or services provided by a CDR representative to consumers as the ADR did not provide those goods or services to the consumer. Instead, the number of goods or services provided by a CDR representative should be reported in Question 17 of the CDR Principal report.
Consumer data requests
Question 12 in the ADR report requires an ADR to submit the number of consumer data requests it made during the reporting period. In accordance with rule 1.10AA(2), an ADR that is a CDR representative principal must make an appropriate consumer data request on behalf of the CDR representative. Hence, Question 12 in the ADR report should include the total number of consumer data requests made by the ADR on behalf of a CDR representative. That is, the aggregate of:
- the number of requests made by the ADR in relation to its own goods and services; and
- the number of requests made by the ADR on behalf of its CDR representatives in relation to their goods and services.
An ADR that is a CDR representative principal must also report the number of consumer data requests it has made on behalf of each CDR representative in Question 14 of the CDR Principal report.
An ADR who has entered into one or more sponsorship arrangements should also include the number of requests made on behalf of affiliates in its response to Question 12. Further guidance on additional reporting requirements for sponsors and affiliates is available here.
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