Archived 2022.11.20. Content moved to error scenarios and responses.
If a consumer (Accredited Data Recipient) calls the Get Transaction Details endpoint even though the isDetailAvailble was false when that particular transaction was returned with the Get Transactions for Account endpoint, should the Data Holder return:
HTTPS Status 200 with the following extended data block:
extendedData: {
service: {}
should the data holder return 4xx. Likely to be 404 at the moment based on proposals.
Correction on below:
The Response of 200 OK would be considered compliant, as the boolean flag represents whether the associated extended data is available.
The Data Standards Body would like to amend the following as the Answer: until other services are included in the transaction payload or the payload is amended, a transaction can only validly have extendedData if it was executed using the X2P01.01 overlay service. Other transactions should return false in the isDetailAvailable field and should return a 404 Response if extended data is requested.
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