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Please visit the CDR website for information about the CDR Sandbox and mock solutions.
Archived Text
The CDR Sandbox is a centralised, hosted, ecosystem environment containing versions of the mock solutions. Participants and prospective participants can join the CDR Sandbox ecosystem, where they can interact with the provided mock implementations and other CDR Sandbox participants to allow each participant to test and improve their own solutions.
The hosted CDR Sandbox is a free tool that provides an environment where:
- potential CDR participants can investigate and learn in a mock ecosystem environment and assess the scope of work for a CDR solution project
- prospective CDR participants can validate and test solutions before becoming accredited and commencing on-boarding to the CDR
- sandbox participants can interact with mock solutions to assist with interpretation of the Standards
- active CDR participants can interact with the hosted mock solutions to test solution changes, or interact with one another to investigate and resolve issues, test data sharing scenarios can be explored with the mock solutions and with other sandbox participants
Access the CDR Sandbox environment here: Consumer Data Right Sandbox
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