Note: This article is out of date and has been archived. It refers to CDR rules that have been superseded.
Please visit the CDR website and the Accreditation guidelines for information on how to become and accredited data recipient.
Archived Text
Can a Open Banking solution provider or hosting service provider apply for accreditation whilst the details on Intermediaries and Third Parties are still being finalised?
Any business can apply for accreditation, provided that they meet the criteria for accreditation as stated in the CDR Rules but would then become subject to ongoing obligations as an accredited person.
The ACCC has introduced Accredited Intermediary Rules to allow for accredited intermediaries to be added to the CDR regime. Details of the ACCC's most recent Rules consultation period, related to expanding the Rules to allow for entry of a greater number and type of businesses in the CDR, are available here. Treasury have recently concluded a consultation period on proposed Rules amendments, with one of the proposals being that the rules may determine whether or not outsourced service providers (OSPs) of accredited persons must themselves be accredited to collect CDR data.
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