Note: This article is out of date and has been archived.
It refers to consultations on CDR Rule changes that have been finalised and implemented. For the most up to date information on CDR participation pathways please visit the CDR website.
Archived Text
Can you provide an update and the timing regarding intermediaries who may direct accredited data recipients (ADR) or outsource service providers?
On 2 October 2020, the ACCC made amendments to the CDR Rules. The amendments expand the Consumer Data Right system by allowing for accredited businesses to rely on other accredited businesses to collect Consumer Data Right data on their behalf, so they can provide goods and services to consumers. Further details are available on the ACCC website.
Between 30 September and 29 October 2020, the ACCC consulted on further proposed amendments to the CDR Rules. These proposed changes are intended to expand the Rules and allow for the entry of a greater number and type of businesses into the Consumer Data Right system. We have published a consultation paper outlining our key proposals including:
- changes to the accreditation process to include new restricted tiers of accreditation
- rules to allow consumers to consent to the disclosure of Consumer Data Right data to third parties
- increased functionality to improve consumer experience.
Once feedback from this consultation round has been considered, the ACCC intends to make updated CDR Rules in December 2020.
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