Archived 2022.12.11. Content moved to CDS Guide, Scheduled Payments
Can you please elaborate on what the selection criteria is for the API Get Scheduled Payments Bulk?
The other Scheduled Payment APIs supply an Account ID or a set of Account IDs to use for the basis of returning a set of scheduled payments. However the Get Scheduled Payments Bulk API does not provide any mechanism to supply an Account ID.
Would it be correct to assume that the set of accounts to be considered when calling the Get Scheduled Payments Bulk API would be those accounts which the user has access to? Scheduled Payments made from those accounts would then be returned; is that a correct assumption?
Yes, that is correct. For each of the bulk end points (balances, direct debit authorisations and scheduled payments) the accounts to be included would be the same list returned by a call to the Get Account List end point.
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