Archived 2024-10-17. See CDS Guide, Grandfathered products.
Is there criteria required for products which have been grandfathered more than 1, 2, 5 years ago etc?
No. The following interpretations should be applied:
Product reference data sharing |
Consumer data sharing |
Products that are publicly available are in scope (i.e., not grandfathered products)
Open accounts are in scope (whether or not they relate to a product that has been grandfathered)
Closed accounts are in scope* (whether or not they relate to a product that has been grandfathered)
*DHs are only required to share from closed accounts if a request is made by a CDR consumer within 24 months of the account closing. In those circumstances, only the last 12 months of transaction data on the closed account is required to be shared, if requested. Anything else could be shared as voluntary data. |
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