Archived 2022.12.11. Content moved to CDS Guide, Scheduled Payments
What would the purpose be of BankingScheduledPaymentRecurrenceLastWeekday?
Is the only scenario a Data Holder would use this, if a consumer had a scheduled payment set up once every 28 days and therefore they return this entity with the last weekday? This scenario could also be returned under the BankingScheduledPaymentInterval
entity - therefore, do they even need to use this entity? Are there any other scenarios we would use this entity for?
When payment schedules were being consulted on some ADIs indicated that they offer payment schedules where a payment can be scheduled on the last week day of a period (last Friday of the month, last Monday of the quarter, etc). This structure was included to allow for these schedules to be represented.
If your organisation does not support such schedules then you do not need to use the structure.
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