Note: This article has been archived. It relates to a historical event that has been resolved.
Archived Text
Throughout the test phases, participants made updates to on-boarding details held in the Register. These updates caused incidents related to DCR error or incorrect JWKS endpoint URI being returned from the Register.
Following are the key changes made to participants technical details held in the Register during the test phases:
- ResourcebaseURI and InfosecbaseURI were missing https protocol.
- InfosecbaseURI and JWKSURI values were incorrect.
- OIDC Discovery and JWKS Endpoint are under MTLS instead of TLS.
- OIDC Config URI value incorrect.
- Legal Entity name value incorrect.
The incidents were fixed by updating the relevant details in the CDR Register.
Participants can update their technical details through the CDR participant portal
Participants involved |
ADR & DH |
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