Archived: 02/03/2022. Please refer to the Change Log in the Consumer Data Standards
In Consumer Data Standards v1.5.0 there is an item referring to DP135. What changes are contained under Decision Proposal 135?
In the CDS v1.5.0 Release notes Information Security Profile section there is a link to the DP135 document outlining the specific changes. In this PDF document refer to the section titled Changes to current standards.
Also in CDS v1.5.0 Release notes API End Points, what changed for the items Update to CRN description, and BankingBillerPayee update?
The description of the crn field in the BankingBillerPayee object was changed to include instructions for masking if the CRN matches the format of a credit card number. The other change was to introduce a crnType field. This was removed in v1.5.1 of the standards. See CDS v1.5.1 Release notes API End Points.
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