Archived 2023.08.11. Content moved to Guidance on data latency
What is the maximum allowable data latency difference between the data presented via the CDR API pathway and the primary digital channels/online channels ordinarily used by customers?
Can we assume that any disparity between customer/account/transaction data returned via our APIs and the same data presented to the user via Internet Banking is covered by the latency statement "commensurate to data presented via other primary digital channels" in CDS Data Latency?
Can we assume the only real Non-functional Requirement (NFR) in this case is therefore:
'If an Accredited Data Recipient or Customer notices discrepancies and complains then it is likely the implementation isn't commensurate'
- as per
The CDS does not specify a maximum allowable data latency other than, as you say, the latency needs to be "commensurate to data presented via other primary digital channels".
The main point is that there shouldn't be a systemic difference in latency between your CDR channel and other digital banking channels.
Whether it is not commensurate is a compliance question. If a customer complains, or an ADR dispute is initiated, it may indicate non-compliance. However, there might be other valid reasons where it is not determined to be non-compliance.
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