This article is out of date and has been archived. For the most up-to-date information on CDR conformance testing, please refer to the Conformance testing section of the CDR website information map.
Archived Text
A critical element of the Consumer Data Right (CDR) ecosystem is the successful operation of participant technology solutions. Testing should take place to prepare for upcoming CDR releases and to ensure the continuous integrity and operation of the CDR ecosystem.
The test approach for Phase 1 (July 2020) and Phase 2 (November 2020) involved a small number of participants conducting manual testing in an integrated environment.
The CDR regime is evolving, with the number of participants and the scope of the regime increasing. This means the approach to testing Phase 1 and Phase 2 to prove ecosystem capability is no longer appropriate.
Going forward, the CDR test approach will focus on automated testing through the ACCC CDR Conformance Test Suite (CTS). This is a scalable, automated approach that serves as a final checkpoint and relies on appropriate internal participant testing to be completed prior to commencing conformance testing.
For more information, participants should refer to Appendix 2 of the CDR On-boarding Guide and the CDR Test Strategy for an outline of the ACCC’s test approach. This is applicable both for participants that are looking enter the ecosystem (new participants) and participants that are already part of the ecosystem (existing participants).
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