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[ARCHIVE] CDR Error Code for invalid product category query parameter Follow



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    Hi Neale Morison

    Would a 200 status response with an empty array be acceptable where no accounts or products match the query?

    There are quite a few arguments in favour of a 200 in a REST API, e.g. -

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    Rod Dalrymple

    Hi Neale Morison

    I second Nils comment. HTTP 4xx status response codes are errors and more specifically 'client errors'. A request with query parameters that do not result in any resources/objects/records are not a client error as the client can't know the contents of the datastore being filtered. The HTTP 422 definition 'Unprocessable Content' (and example with 'semantically erroneous') does not apply as the server is able to process the request and return an empty array (with a HTTP 200). This is more in line with industry practice in REST APIs but also in all styles of data querying where an empty result set is not accompanied by an error condition or code.

    I'm sure this has been discussed or documented before in other contexts (Get Transactions comes to mind), but I've been unable to find a documented reference in Github or Zendesk.

    I also contend that the first case (invalid product-category) should return a 422 as:

    the syntax of the request entity is correct (thus a 400 (Bad Request)
    status code is inappropriate) but [the server] was unable to process the contained instructions. For example, this error condition may occur if an XML request body contains well-formed (i.e., syntactically correct), but semantically erroneous, XML instructions.


    [Ref: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc4918#section-11.2] 

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    Hi Nils,

    To your question: 

    A 200 OK would be acceptable where the Data Holder doesn't have any products or accounts matching a valid product category. If however the product category is not valid (it is not defined in the enumeration) then it is an error and a 400 Bad Request is correct.

    Hope helps with your question; we'll work through the article as well. Rod Dalrymple we'll take your comments as well.



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    Hi Rod Dalrymple,

    Had a chat internally and this is what is advised:  the consultation on error codes at the time concluded that errors arising from invalid field values should be a 400 Bad Request. 

    Applies when the value of the URL parameter or request body parameter is an invalid type or the value violates the field's constraints as defined by the interface contract.

    The 422 Unprocessable Entity would be permitted where the Data Holder receives a product-category filter that is correct according to the Standards (a valid enumerated type) but the Data Holder knowingly doesn't offer that category of product to the market. As previously highlighted by Nils remarks and question, a 200 OK is also permitted in that situation and it is likely to be easier for Data Holders to implement in any event.

    Hope this answers your question.



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