How to create an engaging and compliant CDR Policy
Regional Australia Bank
If you're a CDR Data Recipient (DR) or Data Holder DH), you must have a CDR Policy, but in the absence of a template or any specific framework for developing one, you might be wondering where to start. What does the policy need to say, what should it include or exclude and how might you go about designing one from scratch?
This Guide provides access to an extensive set of templates and content to help you develop a CDR Policy that is not only compliant with the current Rules and the Act, but is also written in an engaging, consumer-centric style to help your customers understand how you will use their CDR data and help them develop trust in the broader CDR ecosystem.
Customer Experience, Customer Engagement, Legal, Compliance, Risk and Digital teams.
What's Included?
- 1 x 19 page MS Word template covering all CDR Policy obligations contained in the Act and the Rules (Feb 2020 version)
- PDF version of the above
- 1 x 9 page MS PowerPoint visual demonstrating how the Policy content maps to compliance obligations
- PDF version of the above
- CDR Policy Design - End to End Journey PDF (exported from Mural)
- CDR Policy Design Skeleton PDF (exported from Mural)
- CDR Policy Wireframes PDF (exported from Mural)
- Live link to Regional Australia Bank's interactive Online CDR Policy
What does the resultant CDR Policy look like?
We've used illustrations, icons and hopefully an engaging, simple content style to ensure the result appeals to a wide consumer audience.
We aimed for good Readability of all content based on the Hemingway app - which is free - throughout.
How do I use this?
The templates are intended to be used as a starter mechanism to help understand, track, confirm and communicate compliance with known obligations in respect of CDR Policy development.
The visual assets, wireframes and end to end experience designs are included to show you the approach that Regional Australia Bank used to create their policy and to help kick-start and accelerate your own development work.
Further instructions and references are contained within each document.
The outcome of Regional Australia Bank's CDR Policy work is available online in interactive and static formats at:
Please consider providing feedback via a rating on the interactive version to help continually improve the policy ⭐
Additional Reference Sources
Regional Australia Bank worked in partnership with Greater than Experience to develop this CDR Policy using their Better Disclosure Canvas.
We also learned a lot from the IACCM Contract Design Pattern Library which has great content that provides effective, repeatable solutions to commonly occurring usability and understandability problems in things like online policies.
Conditions of Use
These resources are provided freely for anyone to use. They are provided without any warranty or assurance of completeness. No credit or reference to Regional Australia Bank as the original author is required.
If you enhance or further develop these templates or create a different approach, you are encouraged to publish them on this site so everyone can benefit.
So brilliant to see this work being shared openly for the benefit of the community, Rob Hale. If anyone's interested in diving much deeper into the evidence based practices, we've got a pretty extensive evidence kit that can be used to support the Better Disclosure design process.
Hi all,
IACCM have rebranded. Link the the Design Pattern Library is here:
CC Rob Hale and team.
Hey folks,
We recently published this article covering a bunch of the stuff Rob Hale mentions above, whilst diving a little deeper into the broader market view and evidence support renewed approaches to disclosure.
Trust it'll be of interest:
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