Is it possible to consume data regarding generic energy plans from Energy APIs without authentication?
Yes, it is possible to consume data from certain Energy APIs such as Get Generic Plans without authentication.
APIs listed in the Consumer Data Standards (CDS) carry a label following the description that clearly states whether authentication is required or otherwise.
For an API requiring authentication, the label is of the form:
To perform this operation, you must be authenticated and authorised with the following scopes: <scope list>
For an API not requiring authentication, the label is:
This operation does not require authentication
Why is the hostname not provided in the Get Generic Plans sample request structure in the CDS?
Accept: application/json
x-v: string
x-min-v: string
x-fapi-interaction-id: string
The Consumer Data Standards do not specify the hostname. This is provided by the Data Holder (DH) that implements the endpoint.
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