This knowledge article has been prepared to address questions relating to the Get Metrics API.
Background on Get Metrics API
The Get Metrics API as defined by the Consumer Data Standards is a binding data standard that allows the ACCC to obtain operational statistics from Data Holders.
All Data Holders sharing consumer data are required to make a Get Metrics API available for the CDR Register to call and must ensure the data returned in response to this API call is accurate, up-to-date and complete.
The Get Metrics dataset provides insights into the CDR ecosystem. This includes average response times, the availability of Data Holders’ systems, as well as error rates and authorisation completions.
The ACCC publishes developer focussed information about its approach to calling Get Metrics APIs on the CDR Developer Portal.
Frequently Asked Questions
What time zone should the metrics be collected in?
It is important that the metrics published on the Get Metrics endpoint map to consistent dates/times for each Data Holder. Metrics are expected to represent the date and time of the Data Holder’s organisation, irrespective of the locations of their servers.
What is acceptable data latency for providing metrics?
Data may be distributed between different systems in a Data Holder’s implementation and collection and consolidation may not always be real-time. For example, for monthly metrics, a consistent collection and consolidation period of 24-hours is unlikely to raise concerns. Contact if you have concerns about Metrics provision.
Is latency between the client and the server part of the performance metrics?
No. Refer to Consumer Data Standards Performance Requirements on how API endpoint performance is measured.
How should metrics be published against white-label brands?
Metrics collection by the CDR Register measures how brands perform within the Consumer Data Right ecosystem irrespective of their white-label relationship. Therefore, white-label service providers need to provide separate Get Metrics endpoints for all brands they service.
What happens if there is a gap in our data due to outages?
System outages may create gaps in data collection. We encourage data holders to ensure that ‘Previous Days’ fields are appropriately used to address these scenarios.
Are API performance metrics made publicly available?
Metrics are published on the CDR Performance dashboard at - If you’d like to ask questions or suggest improvements to the dashboard, please email
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