For certain APIs, an Accredited Data Recipient (ADR) may be required to gather large amounts data on behalf of the customer. The quantity of data may result in high costs, exceeding Data Holder (DH) capacity as specified by NFRs (Non-Functional Requirements), and other problems.
How does an ADR handle this?
For example, in the Energy sector, the Get Usage for Service Point API may be called to gather two years of usage data for the customer, where usage may be stored at fifteen minute intervals, for several registers. The customer is entitled to this data, and the ADR may require it to provide the required service to the customer.
This is a good point.
The intention is to allow for sharing of the designated data (which may be large), but also to provide reasonable NFR relief to DHs, and to ensure that ADRs are not creating problems by unnecessary calls to APIs.
The question is currently hypothetical and based on estimates. When real data is available indicating a problem, feel free to raise a Change Request (CR). The DSB will consult on a change, either to the API itself or to the NFRs.
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