Archived 2023.09.04. Please refer to CDS, BankingAccountDetail
In the BankingAccountDetail:
- should this return all the rates for the applicable product (e.g. a term deposit will have a different rate for 90 days vs 180 days vs 360 days, so return all rates) or should it return only the rate being applied to the account?lendingRates
- as abovefees
- should it return all types of fees that could be charged on an account?
In regards to the three question raised on the bankingAccountDetail payload properties:
- For an instantiated account the specific details were determined when the account was originated. For example, a specific term deposit account will have been originated for a specific term when created. For the account detail end points only the information specific to the account requested must be returned. Any rates that are not applicable as they apply to products with different options selected should not be returned.
- As above
- Yes, all types of fees should be returned
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