- What constitutes a material change under rule 5.14(1)(a) such that an accredited person would be required to inform the ACCC?
- Sharing CDR data “related to” a consumer’s NEM supply
- What happens to CDR data an ADR holds when a data holder brand is removed from the CDR Register?
- Overseas entities acting as CDR representatives
- Vulnerable customers
- Clear self-reporting of CDR compliance gaps
- Consumer data requests and related reporting requirements for ADRs
- Clarification of specific Data Quality obligations
- Rule 4.28 Notification requirements | Frequency of notifications to account holders in relation to secondary users
- Managing implementation change – Data holder obligations
- Consent continuity and transfer of ADR Software Products
- Intra-account transactions and data sharing
- Using incentives programs to encourage data sharing by consumers
- Providing dashboards to nominated representatives acting on behalf of CDR consumers
- Rule 9.5 – How far back can CDR consumers request copies of records?
- Rule 9.3 – Record keeping obligations and customer eligibility
- Incorrect contact information & obligations to make a communication to a CDR consumer
- Rules 5.33 and 5.34 – temporary restrictions or directions placed by the Accreditation Registrar
- [ARCHIVE] Consolidated CDR Rules
- [ARCHIVE] Clarification on terminology for Collection Arrangement Rules
- Compliance and Enforcement Policy
- CDR participant complaints process
- Complaints from consumers about Product Reference Data (PRD)
- Reporting on number of Refusals
- Refusals to disclose during outages
- Protections in place for Privacy